This game will help an organization to point out possible future situations, possible future scenarios or desirable situations. It´s a good starting point to build the Map for innovation. The game is designed to help answer questions as: What is the purpose of this innovation effort? What the actual innovation process must help us to achieve?
Spread all the cards over a table so everybody can see and reach them. Ask the participants to select two cards in a way that the first represents the actual situation and the other one the ideal/future situation. An typical instruction can be: Select a card representing our organization as it is now and a card representing our organization as it could/must be in a near future. Collect all the cards representing the actual situation, mix them and put them in a visible surface (the wall is perfect). Do the same with the cards representing the future situation.
Now ask a participant to guess which cards belongs to other participant. Ask this second participant to confirm or correct the guessing.Then ask the first participant to guess the meanings of the two cards. Then ask the second participant to explain his vision of the actual and future situation and the meaning of each card. Give the first participant a point for each right guessing. Now the second participant becomes the main player and must guess the cards of another participant.
This is a short and powerful game. Give the team a good starting point to frame the possible strategic routes to take.
Note: Thanks to German Acevedo and Gamaliel Vesga, two brainers and great innovators from Bucaramanga, who helped to test the game.